КThis type is produced to commutate the AD circuits of the motors of the electric vehicles, electrocars, electric platforms, cargos and electrocars.
They can also be used in the other DC circuits which correspond the requirement of the contactors.
-Single pole - AW 180, AW 200Z, AW 200 – with normally open frame.
-Double pole - AW 181, AW 201Z, AW 201 – with two contact system - normally open frame and normally close frame.
-A combined variant for the reverse of the motors - AW 182, AW 202Z, AW 202 with two contact system - normally open frame and normally close frame.
The contactors of the type AW 182, AW 202Z, AW 202 are delivered assembled with a mounting plate..
-Single pole - AW 180, AW 200Z, AW 200 – with normally open frame.
-Double pole - AW 181, AW 201Z, AW 201 – with two contact system - normally open frame and normally close frame.
-A combined variant for the reverse of the motors - AW 182, AW 202Z, AW 202 with two contact system - normally open frame and normally close frame.
The contactors of the type AW 182, AW 202Z, AW 202 are delivered assembled with a mounting plate..